When I was a terrible-two my mother appealed to my abounding sense of adventure by inviting me to go lion hunting with her. Now, I can’t remember the actual occasion but like those stories that our parents tell us of
Author: Byddi Lee
A Decade in Time – A Drop in the Ocean of Eternity
This time ten years ago I sat by my father’s bedside as the final pages of the closing chapter of his life unfolded. He died just before dawn. Even in my loss, the new day felt like a gift to
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Time Travel at the Armagh Museum
A good friend recently put me in touch with Sean Barden, at the Armagh County Museum when I expressed an interest in writing some short stories set in the past and based on actual events in history. We discussed how
Flash Fiction Armagh – The First of Many…
When I was young, I thought that all things literature were boring and decidedly stuffy. Many people, having suffered through Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy at school, still think like that about the literary world but Flash Fiction Armagh turned that
Flash Fiction Armagh Presents
We had a fabulous response to the call for submissions for Flash Fiction Armagh. The high standard of writing gave us some difficulty making our final selection, but we are delighted to present the following writers at our inaugural Flash
The Charlemont Arms Hotel, Armagh – there’s always a warm welcome and a log on the fire.
My Granny loved a wee meal in the Charlemont Hotel. We celebrated her 80th birthday there and a few years later celebrated her life with a meal there after her funeral. It was also where we celebrated my nephews’ christening.
Read More The Charlemont Arms Hotel, Armagh – there’s always a warm welcome and a log on the fire.
Full House at the Open Mic in the Abby Lane Theatre
The Open Mic Night at the Abbey Lane Theatre is a gleaming treasure hidden in a backstreet of Armagh City. Tucked behind a wall in a carpark where Linehall Street meets Abbey Lane, the door to the theatre bears little
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Cúchulainn, Ulster’s Greatest Hero By Réamonn Ó Ciaráin: A Vibrant Legacy
Ó Ciaráin’s Cúchulainn, Ulster’s Greatest Hero conveys the dazzling stories of a splendid hero from ancient Irish lore with vigour and elegance. Réamonn Ó Ciaráin is a writer rigorous in his attention to detail, balanced with compassion for his subject.
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Tales of Giants and Thrones – North Coast Trip
We’ve had visitors from Australia for a ten-day visit to Armagh. It was amazing how much there was to show them – even with the snow closing things down during their stay. When they told us that they’d been up
Slieve Gullion – Armagh’s highest mountain
One of my New Years resolutions has been to get back into hiking. We plan to start slowly and build it up little by little. A great place for this is our very own local mountains in South Armagh, a