After a rocky year at Flash Fiction Armagh, we are pleased to announce that the next event will take place in the Armagh County Museum on 21st January 2023 at 7pm. Tickets are £7 each which includes a glass of wine, provided by our wonderful hosts. Tickets are available at this link and have sold out quickly in the past, so don’t delay.
I didn’t actually manage to attend a Flash Fiction Armagh event in 2022 at all because I had covid for the Saturday Night in the Museum 2022. Then the Food and Cider Festival 2022 event- Flash Fiction at Long Meadow Cider Company – was cancelled due to industrial action (which has now ended.) We rolled the selected readers forward to read at the Flash Fiction Saturday Night at the Museum 2023 explaining why you won’t have seen a call for submissions as we wanted to give these readers their moment in the spotlight.
We’re looking forward to hearing readings from the following talented writers:-
Amy Elkheart reading Dog Eat Dog
Tim Hanna reading The Shooter
Jane Searle reading The Number 22
Tanya Mc Ginn reading In the Shadow of the Castle
Doreen Mc Bride reading No Justice
Ellen Mc Kenna reading Life Goes On
Emma Kane reading All Grown Up
Brenda McAteer reading Reflections
Malachi Kelly reading The Cat, The Fox and The Car
Michaela Mc Daid reading When Everything is Different
On a sad note, we were sorry to hear about the death of one of our regular readers last week. Jay Faulkner was the very first person to read at the first ever Flash Fiction Armagh back in March 2018. He was a wonderful writer and his stories reflected his tenderness and compassion for the human condition. While there will forever be an empty seat at our events, we will carry Jay in our hearts and his stories in our minds, knowing he is not that far away, especially when a Flash Fiction reader brings a lump to our throat, a tear to our tear or indeed a smile to our lips. Set down your pen, Jay, and rest easy.

Byddi Lee